Smart Home Devices to Check Out

The Jetsons or the severely underrated Disney original movie “Smart House” portray what life is like when technology makes its way into our homes. But in present times, these movies are closer to fact than fiction. 

While everyone knows about Alexa and Google Home, these smart home devices might not be common knowledge — but they’re certainly just as cool.

RealQuick: Why update to smart home devices?

Convenience: What is technology if not an improvement on the ordinary? Some of these smart home devices (like the speaker/bath fan combo) eliminate the need for multiple appliances or technologies.

Safety: Better technology can help improve our safety. An outdated garage door can be broken into; a lack of water monitoring system could lead to mold.

Be in the Know: Living in Florida for the winter? Renting out an Airbnb in Spain? Smart home devices help you keep track of your property, even when you’re away. 

Save Money: Smart thermostats are just one of the many forms of technology that improve energy efficiency. The more energy you save, the more money you save.

Bluetooth Speaker/Bath Fan Combo

Bluetooth speakers are great, but installing them in with your bath fan is next level. Bathrooms need fans to properly ventilate steam and moisture. This combination would be perfect for listening to your favorite album or podcast while taking a blissfully long shower, with the added benefit of clearing out all that humidity!

Smart Garage

Most garages operate remotely, but it’s getting better than ever. Smart garages allow you to open a garage door from a phone, tablet, or desktop, anywhere in the world! This is not just convenient for families, it also adds a layer of protection. 

Certain garage openers and garages can also automatically open or close once you leave or arrive home. You’ll never have to wonder if you remembered to close the garage door again.

Water Monitor

The average household with leaks leads to more than 10,000 gallons of water wasted every year. This isn’t environmentally friendly, but it also isn’t very wallet-friendly, either. Oftentimes, we don’t realize we have leaks until there’s something noticeable (like a faucet or the development of mold).

Water monitors nowadays can both detect and even stop leaks from happening. This saves you countless dollars in repairs and wasted energy bills.

Smart Thermostat

Sure, you can program many thermostats to certain temperatures at certain times of day. But what about when you come home from a trip at a weird hour, or something else unexpected comes up?

Smart thermostats use an app on your phone to allow you to program your thermostat, whenever and wherever. Many also connect Alexa or Google Home so that your thermostat is voice-activated. Not too shabby for when you’re sick on the couch and don’t want to move!

Another benefit to adding all these smart home devices? You’ll improve your home’s value. A smart home is a major selling point in the market, and listing with RealtyHive makes the selling process easier than ever. Find your new home or sell your existing one with RH!

Is it Better to Build or Buy a House?

To build or to buy — that is the question. Both options have their draws and flaws, and figuring out the right option for you is crucial in the homebuying process. Our real estate blog is here to help you make this tough decision a little easier.

If you want to customize everything…

Building is a better option for you. It’s not impossible to renovate a house into your dream home, but it could be more expensive than just starting from scratch. The median home in the US costs $229,000 and adding on renovations only increases that price. An important rule of thumb: The more you want to change about an existing home, the more you’re going to pay.

If you want to save money upfront…

This is a bit of a toss-up, but the short answer is that buying will likely be cheaper.

As mentioned, the median home price is $229k. The average cost to build a house is $290,000. The variances from region to region are massive, but on the whole, building is known to cost more.

When new build homes are cheaper

In rural areas, it’s usually cheaper to buy a plot of land and build on it — as long as the house you’re building is on the modest side. If you build a 1- to 2-bedroom house on a plot of rural land, there’s a good chance you’ll save money compared to buying a house in the nearest city.

If you want to move in faster…

Buying will almost certainly be quicker. The closing process on buying a home can take around 35 to 45 days. While that feels like a long time (especially to the homebuyers ready to move in!), a 2014 survey showed that building a house took an average of 7 months. If you’re itching to get into your new home, building is not the way to go.

If you want to flip or rent out a property…

You’ll want to buy. In the time it takes to build a house, you could already have closed on an existing home, made the necessary renovations, and have tenants paying you rent. Time is money, and the time it takes to build will cost you way too much. 

As a property flipper or rental property owner, you obviously want to make money. Nine times out of 10, buying will be a better investment with more immediate and visible ROI.

If you want an eco-friendly house…

This one is also a toss-up, but either way, good for you for thinking about your environmental impact!

If you build a house, you can make it eco-friendly from the start, installing things like solar panels and geothermal heating. Everything from the building material to the types of windows you install can make a difference for your home. Depending on how eco-friendly you want to go, there’s a chance you could save money by building in these measures instead of replacing things in an existing home.

Buying a house and trying to make it eco-friendly can have its limits. However, buying a home means you’re not disrupting the land, nor using new materials. Creating those new materials and transporting them uses energy, and also leads to more things in landfills. 

Ultimately, there’s much less of an environmental impact to buy a home and outfit it with some green renovations. But since building homes is still necessary, you could take the opportunity to create a house that’s highly sustainable. In some instances, these homes practically pay for themselves. 

No matter the route you go, you’re bound to help the environment and add immense value to your home.

If you’re looking for a solid home that’s built to last…

You’ll probably want to buy. Home inspections tell a lot about how well a house functions. If you put in an offer on a home (including a contingency about the results of an inspection) and find out it’s got issues, you can turn it down. If something goes wrong while building, you’re stuck with it.

That’s not to say building issues can’t be resolved, but it’s really stressful to find the right contractors for the job. Not wanting to deal with the stress of creating a home? Look for a solid, sturdy, existing home that people have already lived in and loved.

No matter whether you build or buy, with RealtyHive, you’ve got options. We’ve got plenty of beautiful and reliable existing homes to choose from! What’s more, we sell land so you can build your dream house — and we have an in-house building company that you can trust. You can find a home or plot that’s in development and add on customizations as you like. Start buying or building your beautiful new home with RealtyHive today!

Rebates for Homebuyers (And Sellers!)

It’s tough and competitive to be a real estate agent. In most states, agents try to set themselves apart from their competition by offering real estate rebates to potential homebuyers. Find out how rebates work, and how our new Cashifyd app can help buyers and sellers alike.

What are real estate rebates?

Real estate rebates are incentives, usually monetary in some way, that agents offer homebuyers who choose to work with them. This might be cash back after closing (usually up to 1% back from the broker), a gift card, or some other type of gift.

Are rebates hurting consumers?

The Justice Department did a study on this very topic. They found that rebates are actually helping consumers because it’s saving them money on such a huge investment. Even a little bit of savings can go a long way.

Can anyone get a real estate rebate?

No. There are nine states that do not permit rebates. Rebates are prohibited in Alabama, Alaska, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, Oregon, and Tennessee. Iowa doesn’t allow rebates when two or more brokers are used

Traditionally, rebates are only for homebuyers. Sellers have to pay commission for real estate agents, so they could try to negotiate paying a lower commission. But this isn’t exactly a rebate or incentive for sellers — they’re just paying less money.

However, rebates are about to change and include sellers as well. That’s because RealtyHive is introducing Cashifyd, the only app that allows buyers and sellers to get cash back on a home sale.

Make Yourself the Middleman With Cashifyd

Cashifyd is a self-referral marketplace — the first and only of its kind. 

  • If you are a seller looking for an agent, you’ll still pay for their commission. The difference is that by looking for agents through Cashifyd, you’ll actually get money back.
  • If you’re a buyer looking for an agent, you’ll receive a referral rebate when working with Cashifyd.
  • If you’re an agent on Cashifyd, you only pay referral fees when sales happen. No more having to pay big real estate databases for leads that lead nowhere.

How do Cashifyd rebates work?

Other real estate rebate programs have it where you only get cash back if it’s a house that a particular site or company is selling (or helping you buy). In other instances, you might only get a rebate by working with a specific agent.

With Cashifyd, rebates apply for any property and almost any agent — we say “almost” only because the agent has to agree to partake in this. But as of this blog post, we haven’t had anyone say no!

Cashifyd rebates do not work in those aforementioned nine states, but otherwise can be used around the world. Even buying an international property could land you a referral rebate! And as mentioned, this is the only option for sellers to get a rebate, too.

RealtyHive strives to make buying and selling a better experience for all. Get ready for the Cashifyd launch, and start saving money on your next home sale or investment!

What Makes a Good Investment Property?

No matter the route you go for real estate investing — such as fixing up your own home, flipping, or renting out a home or commercial property — you want to make sure you’re choosing the right property. These tips can help your income property bring you ROI instead of regret.

The necessary changes are relatively minor.

Some real estate investors pass on home inspections in favor of a faster closing date. These investors typically have an experienced team of contractors who complete renovations quickly. Time is of the essence with investment properties, because the longer you’re holding onto a vacant home, the longer it will take for you to generate a profit.

This is true for flipping or renting out a property, though less so if you’re renovating for your own home. That being said, in nearly every instance you want a property that doesn’t require massive changes. Foundation problems, mold, or other damages will massively eat away at both time and your savings.

The location is a selling point.

Investment property success lies heavily in where the property is located.

  • For most commercial properties, lots of traffic and visibility is crucial. This isn’t always the case if your commercial property is a huge space, such as for corporate offices. But for local shops, you need a location that requires little to no commuting time for your clientele.
  • When buying your first rental property, consider the demographic you’re targeting. Near a college town? Look for a house that’s on-campus or close to it. Single-family home? Suburbs or just outside the hustle and bustle of a city are great locations.
  • If wanting to renovate and sell your own home later on, you should pick a location that’s on the up and up. It’s not ideally located right now, but it will be in 5-15 years. Smaller cities or cities that are remote (such as places out West) are a good place to look.

The property has potential.

It’s OK if your potential rental investment is a carpet nightmare out of the ‘70s. But qualities like hardwood floors (beneath all that carpet), high ceilings, and killer views make this a property with potential. Again, you don’t want a money pit for an income property, but the underlying beauty can turn out incredibly valuable.

Similarly, if your property is in one of those “up-and-up” locations, there is a ton of potential in appreciation. Property owners in cities like Fort Collins and Boulder experienced insane ROI, selling just as these cities became increasingly popular. Even commercial property owners can see huge success from renting out or selling in an area that’s on the come-up.

No property is perfect, but considering these factors can help turn your investment into a successful one. Find the perfect investment property or sell the one you have with RealtyHive! Learn more about time-limited events and get started today.

Think Outside the Search Box

It’s no secret we live in a digital world. According to a  2017 research report published by the National Association of Realtors, 44% of home buyers’ first step in finding a home was to look online. Contacting an agent came in distant second place with 17%. As a real estate agent, it’s an exciting time to be in business with tons of cool, new tools. It should be easy. You get your listings, add them to your MLS, and then let the powers of the Internet take over and push your listing to the edges of the universe…or something?

For many agents this dramatic shift toward the digital space can be a little overwhelming. You’re an expert in buying and selling properties for your clients, not the intricacies of search engine algorithms or the inner workings of the interweb. We all know Google is king, but what can you do to make sure Google likes your listings and shows them to prospective buyers?

While you can’t guarantee that you’ll show up in the number one position every time, here are some quick tips on simple things to do make your listings more internet-friendly.

1). Write Two Descriptions

Sometimes you can’t say everything you want to about a listing in one tiny listing description.

If you’re a member of an MLS with a strict character or word limit for your listings, you often have to choose your words wisely. Abbreviations can be necessary, but that doesn’t mean they are conducive to having your listings found.

While an agent may know EXACTLY what you mean when you say “LR fp” (living room fireplace) or “w/o LL” (walkout lower level), those terms don’t always translate for buyers–the ones you should really be trying to reach.

If character limits are no issue, then simply write out everything completely. Looking for some inspiration on how to create a stellar listing description? Check out the tips in How to Write Listing Descriptions.

2). Think in Google Terms

Everyone wants to show up high in Google’s search results– and for good reason. These days, when you need anything from directions to a recipe for meatballs, Google is the first resource many go to. It’s no different when it comes to finding the perfect home. When writing your listing description, it’s a wise idea to think in “Google terms”.

To do this, you’ll want to do a little reverse-engineering thought experiment.

Imagine your listing is the first search result on Google. What did you search to find this?

Thinking in specifics will help you connect with the right buyer at the right time in their search. Geography often plays a large part in this, someone searching “West Village brownstone for sale” has a much more specific idea of what they’re looking for than someone searching “New York home for sale” and is more likely to be a legitimate (and ready-to-go) buyer, rather than a looker.

Other things to keep in mind are unique features, architectural styles, and upgrades. These features and amenities are often searchable on Listing sites (like Zillow or RealtyHive) so having your listing description optimized in this way will help you to reach buyers who are specifically looking for homes with that particular feature.

3). A Photo by Any Other Name

One of the easiest, least known ways to improve the way search engines show your listing is by giving your photos good names. Instead of keeping the default image name, usually a nonsensical string of numbers or letters, change your image titles to be things like “Johnsonville home” “kitchen at 123 Main” and other descriptive phrases. Naming your photos adds a little additional piece of information to each one of your photos, helping them to be found by search engines. Looking to take it one step farther? Change the “alt tags” on your photos before submitting them to your MLS for an enhanced presence. 

Additionally, this helps to cover you if the image itself should break for any reason. Instead of having the typical grayed-out broken image icon, the alt tag will appear. The user might not be able to actually see the adorable “loft bedroom overlooking Lake Beautimore”, but at least they’ll know it exists.

4). Divide and Conquer

If you’re listing a large parcel of land or a mixed residential-land parcel, this next tip might be perfect for you. If your seller is willing, it can sometimes make sense to divide a property up — or at least offer the possibility of this. Search functions of websites and search engines themselves try to help users find what they are looking for in the best possible way.

This means if someone is searching for 40 acres of land somewhere, it probably won’t show them a 160-acre parcel, even if inside the listing description it says the sellers would be willing to sell off smaller parts. Likewise, this can be very useful when you have a home and a large land tract together in an area that typically has lower home values. Since most buyers search by geography and price, properties like this often are not found until they make it into a lower search bracket.

These tips can’t guarantee that you’ll shoot straight to the top of the search results, but they can  help you to achieve higher ranking and greater visibility. To learn more about creating your best chance to sell, check out How to Sell Tough Listings or contact RealtyHive   to find out how they can help you create your best chance to sell.     

Everything You Need to Comfortably Enjoy Summer from Home

Now that we’re in the thick of summer, and what tends to be the hottest month of the year is upon us, it’s time to prepare for the coming heat if you haven’t already. Throughout our lives, we look forward to summer. Whether as kids longing for the break from school or as adults craving the warmth of the sun and excuse to go on vacation, summer is a time to be enjoyed. But what about when the heat gets to be too much? That’s when you need to take a look at your home and make the necessary improvements to make summer living comfortable. 

Upgrade your cooling system

Air conditioning is without a doubt one of our most sacred modern blessings. Few things feel better than the blast of cool air when coming in from the heat outside. But you also have that nagging voice of your parent or grandparent in the back of your mind telling you that running the A.C. is going to raise your energy bill. While it’s true that HVAC systems use up a lot of energy, newer models are more energy efficient and can do the same work while reducing your monthly energy payment. Do some research on if you should consider upgrading your HVAC unit and then consult with a certified technician on what option will work best for you.

Furnish your basement, plus upgrade your home value

If your home has a basement, it’s a great idea to make sure it’s furnished. Basements provide you with a naturally cool place to spend time when it’s warm outside because they are underground. Not only will the project of finishing your basement keep you cool, it will also add value to your home. So not only are you getting a literally cooler place to spend time, but the investment you put towards transforming the space will help you to profit in the future. 

Create the perfect sleeping environment

No one wants to be hot in their sleep. It’s just plain uncomfortable, and it makes it much harder to get your rest. That’s why, especially during the warm summer months, it’s extremely important to make sure your room is your ideal sleeping temperature. This means lowering your set A.C. temperature at night and, just in case that doesn’t cut it, keep a fan at your bedside. Take things a step further by purchasing a new mattress, potentially one with cooling technology to regulate your temperature while you sleep. 

Have ways to keep cool outside

During those long and cold winter months, you long for days spent outside in the warmth of the sun. When the heat and humidity come you feel like you need to soak it in as much as possible and don’t want to complain, but it can also be too overwhelming sometimes. Believe it or not, there are options to help keep you cool when outside as well. Make sure your backyard has some sort of shaded area, whether it’s natural or achieved by your addition of a covered patio. This way you can enjoy the warmth without being in direct sunlight 24/7. Add a misting fan to your shaded area for another layer of cooling.

Make use of simple techniques to keep cool air inside

When spending your hard earned money on keeping your home cool, the last thing you want to do is cause your HVAC unit to run more than it has to. Keep an eye on your local forecast and if it’s going to be especially hot, do not introduce warm air into your cool environment by using your stove/oven. Plan ahead and premake meals you can warm in the microwave or eat cold. You also want to keep the sunlight and heat out of your space as much as possible. While under door draft stoppers are popular in winter months, they can also be used in the summer to keep warm air from entering your home from underneath your exterior doors. You should also hang blackout curtains and keep them closed to prevent heat and warm sunlight entering through your windows.

We look forward to the warmth of summer all our lives. Don’t let the sun become too much for you and make sure you have a retreat from the heat. You shouldn’t have to venture out to stores and restaurants to seek solace. Instead, make sure your home is the place you find comfort no matter the weather.

2023 Retirement Havens

It’s been widely acknowledged that Americans work too much and for too long. While retirement is seen by many as the perfect opportunity to travel, explore new passions, and enjoy the fruits of many years of labor, for many people retirement seems too expensive. With the high cost of medical care, lightening fast pace of life, and often extreme weather in the United States, it’s no wonder that many look to other countries to spend part or all of their retirement years.

There are many exciting and affordable countries in which to explore during your retirement, but people looking to maximize their money can find some of the best deals for retirees just south of the border in Central America and the Caribbean. This region is known for its impressive history, warm people, beautiful weather, ease of travel to the U.S., and relatively inexpensive cost of living, but the charms don’t end there. Here are some of the incredible programs offered to retirees in these countries.


Belize offers what they call the Qualified Retirement Program, or QRP. This program allows eligible applicants to permanently live, retire, and relax in beautiful Belize.


  • Residence Card – You and your qualified dependents (spouse and children under age 18) will receive a residence card which allows you to come and go from Belize without a visa
  • During the first year you are enrolled in this program, you receive duty-free tax exemptions on your personal belongings as you bring them into the country. Qualifying items include personal boats, vehicles, and light aircraft.
  • Additional tax exemptions – QRP enrollees are exempt from paying Belizean tax on all income received from outside the country, any capital gains tax and any inheritance tax on received funds.


  • Must be 45 years old or older
  • Must have a pension, annuity, or similar funds of at least $2,000/month or $24,000/year from a source outside of Belize
  • You must deposit the funds from above in a Belizean financial institution
  • Must pass a security clearance by the Ministry of National Security of Belize
  • Remain in Belize for at least 30 consecutive days each year

Application Information: Application can by found on the Belize Tourism Board’s website

Ready to make the leap? Find a home in  Belize on RealtyHive!


Panama raises the bar on best places to retire with its world-renowned “pensionado” program. This program doesn’t just allow foreign citizens to live in Panama, but also includes incredible benefits for those that do.


  • Discounts of up to 50% on entertainment (movie and theater tickets, concerts, sporting events) and hotels; 30% off bus, boat, and train fares; 25% off airline tickets and monthly energy bills and 15% off hospital bills (unless insurance applies)
  • One-time exemption of duties on the import of household goods (up to $10,000) and tax exemptions every two years on the import or purchase of a car
  • Grandfathered pensionado status. If the laws for acceptance into this program change, your status will remain unchanged


  • Must have a pension (or similar) of at least $1,000/month
  • Applications for the program as reviewed on a case-by-case basis and do not have a minimum age to qualify

Learn more about the pensionado program by checking out “Panama for Retirees” or find your perfect Panama home on RealtyHive

Application Information:  You’ll need an immigration lawyer in Panama to complete many of the steps. Learn more about the details of this process by visiting the Embassy of Panama website


While many people don’t immediately think of this South American nation as a prime retirement destination, Ecuador has grown in popularity in recent years. As one of the world’s most biodiverse places, this country is perfect for adventurous retirees looking for excellent value for their money. This program is a little less straightforward than others requiring a temporary visa for the first two years of residency and then a permanent residency visa can be applied for.


  • 50% off public transportation, airfare, cultural/sports/artistic/recreational events, and electricity/water/telephone services
  • Discounts on property, income, and vehicle taxes as well as a refund of sales tax
  • Pay no taxes on foreign income
  • Import household goods duty free within 6 months after obtaining residency


  • Must show guaranteed income of at least $800/month, plus an extra $100/month for each dependent joining you.
    • Note: If the income comes from a source other than pension or Social Security income (like investment dividends or income from a trust), the amount of $800 per month for 5 years ($48,000) must be deposited in an Ecuadorian bank in advance
  • Cannot leave Ecuador for more than 90 days in calendar year during first or second year of holding the visa
  • Must have proof of private health insurance or must be affiliated with Ecuador’s social security system

Application Information: Ministry of International Relations and Immigration (Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Movilidad Humana)


From the 1970s to the mid-2000s, the news out of Colombia was not great for anyone looking for a peaceful retirement destination. Between guerilla factions, political unrest, and a deadly drug war, Colombia was seen as a dangerous place for tourists and citizens alike. These days, Colombia is a relatively safe country where you can enjoy incredible natural wonders and lively cultural. While Colombia’s benefits for retirees aren’t quite as robust or codified into law like in other countries, the low financial requirements and low cost of living make this a great choice for retirement.


  • Can be converted to a Resident visa after 5 years


  • Must be at least 18 years old to apply
  • Must have a pension of at least 3 times the Colombian monthly minimum wage (approximately $766 per month as of June 2049)
    • A second, almost identical program allows for qualification with non-pension income such as interest or dividends. This program requires at least 10 times the monthly minimum wage or just over $2550 per month

Application Information: Application can be found by visiting the Minister of International Relations website

Author’s Note: This article contains research done in June 2019 and should be considered a starting point of research only. Tax, benefit, real estate, and other laws are constantly changing and you need to consult relevant licensed professionals when making big, important decisions.

train depot turned house

Trains, Planes, and Barns, Oh My! How to Sell a Unique Home

Everyone has a different idea of the perfect house. Some people envision a quaint ranch home with the perfect little white fence while others dream of a classic Victorian filled with character and charm while others like a clean, modern esthetic or prefer the lower maintenance of condo living. While many homes appeal to a wide array of buyers, some homes have a more niche appeal. Homes that have been converted from their original (usually commercial) forms fall into that list. While the real estate market continues to sizzle as homes are in short supply and demand is rising, these converted homes and their unique features can require a bit more specialized marketing to sell.

Show ‘Em What You Got

The first thing to do when selling a unique home is to have excellent pictures. Most buyers have never thought of living in a “luxe bohemian converted barn” or “modernized industrial train depot” so high quality pictures help transition buyers from intrigued to interested.

Think Outside the Box

A unique home tends to be a point of extreme pride for those who live there, but it does take a unique buyer when trying to sell. These properties often come at a higher price point than a standard single family home, so they aren’t for every buyer. Advertising for a unique property should be done in all the usual channels (MLS if you’re an agent or working for one, for example), but it’s also a good idea to think a little differently. Trying to sell a mushroom home? Why not let a local mushroom hunter-foragers group know it’s for sale? Got a gypsy style converted barn? You’d be remiss to not tell the local artist community.

Find the Story

Few people move into a unique property because it was just a random house in their price range and even fewer take on a conversion project without a reason. There is almost always a story to tell; maybe they have a special connection to the building in its original use or maybe they’re handy and were looking for a creative way to use their talents. Maybe they inherited the building and were inspired to revitalize it. Whatever the case may be, the story behind it can help generate more buzz on a larger scale than just “there’s a new house for sale.” Questions to ask about the property can include:

  • How long have you owned/ lived in the property?
  • What made you decide to do a project like this?
  • Why did you decide to convert the train depot specifically (love trains, great opportunity for local project, etc)?
  • Did you do it yourself or hire someone?
  • What was the most difficult part about the project?
  • What was your favorite part of the process?
  • Did the reality live up to your expectations?
  • What’s your favorite part of the current property?
  • What’s your advice for someone taking on a project like this?

If your listing has a great story, make sure to share the story on social media and share it with local media outlets — you never know when a slow news day will lead to your property being featured!

Show It Off

While selling a unique home can be a challenge, it can also be a lot of fun! These properties have a “WOW” factor that many cookie cutter homes do not. Once you have good photos and a listing description that is well written and keyword-filled, you’re ready to show it off. Social media and content aggregation sites like Buzzfeed tend to go nuts over beautiful, funky, and unique homes and can bring tons of exposure to the property which in turn increase your opportunities to sell.

Still struggling to get the exposure you need to sell your unique home? RealtyHive offers marketing programs and time-limited events that help to create the exposure you need when it comes to selling a unique home!

dog with eyes closed

Doggy Dream Home

Doesn’t your best friend deserve a great home?

Dear humans, I would first like to thank you for taking me into your home and treating me like one of your own. That being said, I have a couple of requests to make that would turn our nice house into a dog’s absolute doggy dream home!

The life of a dog can be pretty tiring. I mean the amount of time we spend bringing back toys to humans who continue to through them far away is crazy! You’d think their arm would get tired after a while. The walks, the tug of war, the effort put into begging for one small piece of food really takes the fuel out of a dog like me. When humans go to bed they get luxurious fluffy beds to lay in, but us dogs get the smelly, dirty, cold floor. I understand to some 8 hours on the floor, by themselves, in complete silence and darkness may seem like a luxury, but personally…not feeling it. So I propose a revamping of my current sleep situation.

Sweet Dreams for Your Bestest Boy

If you’ve got the space to share, a room of my very own, complete with a welcome mat and dog bed and all my favorite toys would really make a dog feel loved.

Not only would a little room of my own allow me a nice retreat when things get crazy (and be way more attractive than the old metal kennel), but building one under the stairs is also a great use of otherwise dead space.

It’s no secret that I like to stay close to you guys and the night can seem long and even scary when I’m laying all by myself. That’s why I propose an elevated dog bed that allows me to stay close to you without taking up any room in your bed. I promise I won’t howl, or bark, or run in my sleep, it’ll be like I’m not even there; promise.  

A Spot for Spot

There is nothing I love more than our family movie time. After you all get done with whatever you humans spend so much time doing Monday through Friday and we get to cuddle up to watch our favorite shows. I love it more than when I get the leftover peanut butter in the peanut butter jar, but it always ends with you upset about all the fur on the couch, so I found this one just for you! It’s a dog bed that slides out from under the couch, a bed, or anywhere else you’ll let me hang out with you! This way we can still have our movie nights and you can still sit on the couch without getting fur all over! Win-win right?

Here’s another idea. When we all gather around the TV at night, I feel like everyone in the family has a designated place to sit, except me. Everyone has their spot on the couch or their recliner so I was thinking I should have my spot as well. Won’t I looks so cute on a little couch like this?!

Feeding Fido

The only thing more important to us dogs than sleep is food. Any food you give me I’ll eat, any food you drop I’ll eat, anything you make I’ll eat, and I’ll say it one more time for the dogs in the back, I will eat anything. You’ll always get a 5-star Yelp review from me. This means that my doggy dream home should be stacked with homemade dog treats. I mean I’m a good boy, don’t I deserve these treats?

Yogurt peanut butter banana homemade dog treats are a favorite. A doggy dream snack some may call it. If I had thumbs maybe I’d make them myself, but until then I NEED you to help me out!

Doggy donuts. If your mouth didn’t water reading that then you probably didn’t read it right, or maybe your just not a dog. Regardless, I, as a dog, really would like these… in my mouth….right now.

Frosty breath dog treats. This one could be a treat for you too!I mean not a treat you’d eat, but you humans are always talking about our dog breathe and how bad it is (which is kinda rude not gonna lie), so maybe it could be considered a treat for your nose.

Field of Doggy Dreams

Besides our house, the majority of my time is spent out in our yard. Which, don’t get me wrong we have a pretty great yard, but there is always room for improvement in the doggy dream world. I’ve done some research and found a couple possible additions that could turn us into the #1 dog hangout spot of the year.

You know what’s a great way to relax the muscles after a long walk or day at the park; a relaxing swim. I have this feeling I wouldn’t be very welcomed to join you while you’re in the tub so I was thinking maybe I should get a little bone-shaped pool of my own.

Needing to go is just a natural part of life, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be enjoyable. I know this seems a little excessive for a place to relieve myself, but sitting on the toilet for 30 minutes on your phone could be considered a little excessive as well, so let’s keep our judgments to ourselves. Besides I’m sure you guys are tired of me killing the grass anyhow and this would be the perfect way to keep your grass green all year long.

The best thing the backyard could have is a window to the outside world. My world consists of the house, the front yard, and the backyard which after a while starts to feel a little small. A window like the one I found below really makes everything feel more open to a dog.

Puppy Kisses & Doggy Dreams

There isn’t any clear category to list all of my further additions under, but nevertheless, they are all crucial to the success of my personal doggy dream home.

Want to know what is one of the worst parts about being a dog, other than the lack of thumbs? It’s not being able to use the bathroom when your body decides it’s time to go. You couldn’t imagine how long I’ve held it, sitting in front of the door, waiting for one, just one human to come open the door. Well, I have found a solution to this issue — potty bells. Please consider this one greatly from me and your carpets.

Do you ever feel like you just need some you time? Well, this may come as a surprise, but I do too! Sometimes I need a nice nap to rest off all the stress in my doggy life, but there is no place in the house that I can go and just be closed off. Each of you humans have your room and if getting a doggy room is out of the question, maybe this will work. Here’s how you can turn my crate into a nice piece of furniture and a quiet corner for me to rest!

Next on my list: A doggy wash station made just for me. I understand that a doggy wash station is an investment, but I think you’ll love the benefits of it just as much as I’ll love resting in it. No one has ever complained about a clean dog, and if you get me those sweet smelling bottles from the pet store I’ll look good, I’ll smell good, and you’ll be able to walk me around the neighborhood with your head held high because you have the cleanest dog in town!

Do you wanna know why dogs are bad when you’re gone? It’s because we have no reason to be good. If we’re good while your home we get a treat, but if we’re good when you’re gone…nothing. That’s why this genius human thought to have an automatic treat dispenser controlled by phone so you can reward your dog for being good even when you’re gone. I’ll take one of these, please and thank you!

As we talked about, I will eat just about anything, but that doesn’t mean I enjoy being uncivilized. Sometimes getting my kibble in a classy presentation would be nice. Here’s where I introduce the cool thing I found: my dog bowls in a drawer. I know so simple yet so fancy.

All of these things are great, and yes, they would make our home much more exciting and comfortable for me, but none of this really makes a house a doggy dream home. When I really think about it, it’s you, my humans that complete my doggy dream home. So as long as I have you I don’t need the treat launchers, the hot tub, or the handmade treats. As far as I am concerned you’re the most important addition to my dream home. I guess there’s a reason we call you a dog’s best friend!

From, Your best friend

P.S. If you’re looking for a new home for us, I’ve got a good idea where you should check……

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Pool Homes: What to know before you dive in

As the weather heats up, so does the housing market and there are plenty of reasons why summer is a great time to buy a home. With the long daylight hours and warm sunny weather, summer is a great time to move, landscape, and do all those projects new homeowners want to jump right into. Summer is also the ideal time to buy a pool home. It doesn’t take long before buyers are dreaming of cookouts on the patio and pool parties with friends and families. Before you get too far into the deep end, here are some things you need to know before buying a house with a pool.

Summer is the best time to buy a home with a pool

Buying a pool home in the summer is an obvious choice, after all, it’s hard to swim in frigid December temperatures, but this timing is ideal for another reason. If you choose to buy a pool that is winterized or shut down for the season, you have to trust the seller’s word as to whether or not it was working, but if you buy a home with a pool during the summer months, your inspector will be able to fully assess the condition of both the pool itself and the mechanics.

You may need a separate inspection

In regions where pools are very common, it’s possible the home inspector you choose will also be qualified to inspect a pool. If you live in a location where pools are not common, you’re probably going to want to have someone who specializes in pools to perform an inspection. Inspections are vital prior to purchasing a home as this allows you to negotiate with the seller for repairs or price reductions based on the findings.

Be aware of the possible issues

Pools typically come in one of three styles: concrete, fiberglass, and vinyl liner. There are pros and cons to each and you can check out this great article from River Pools and Spas for a full explanation.

In general, fiberglass pools are low maintenance and beautiful, but high cost initially and come in limited shapes. Vinyl liner pools are low cost initially and are very customizable, but they can be prone to damage and tend to need replacement every 5-9 years. Concrete pools are flexible in terms of design and can accommodate any size or feature request you would like, but also require more chemicals and maintenance to keep in good repair.

Owning a home with a pool can lead to you spend more time with family and friends or it can be a very expensive headache on your property. It’s important to consider how much you will use a pool and how much maintenance you’re willing to do to understand if owning a pool is worth the effort for you.

Do you have a pool? Wish you did or didn’t? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!