How to Stage Your Home to Sell It Quickly in a Competitive Market

One of the most important steps of selling a home is proper staging, and a little bit of work could make a huge difference. Making your home as eye-catching as possible will help you stand out in a competitive real estate market and attract motivated buyers.

Start With a Deep Cleaning

The very first step in this process is deep cleaning every single room in your home. While some buyers might not care about a little bit of clutter or dust, it could turn others away. When certain buyers walk through a messy or cluttered home, they might think that the current owner hasn’t been properly maintaining the home either. Luckily, hiring a professional cleaner can be fairly inexpensive if you don’t feel like cleaning.

Remove Most Personal Items

You don’t have to remove every single personal item from your home before you sell it, but the majority of your belongings should be boxed up and stored elsewhere. That includes items like paintings, old family photos, and knick-knacks. You might also want to spend a little bit of time boxing up any extra clutter that is in the closets, under the beds, or in the garage.

Stay as Neutral as Possible

The best realtor in your area is most likely going to tell you that you need to keep your furniture and decorations as neutral as possible. As a general rule, you want potential buyers to be able to walk into a home and envision themselves living there. Having neutral furniture and decorations is going to create a blank canvas for them. Some sellers even rent neutral items to place in their homes if their current décor is too eclectic.

Don’t Neglect the Lighting

One of the easiest and most effective ways to make a home more eye-catching is to improve the lighting. At the very least, you should make sure that all of the bulbs throughout your home are bright and working correctly. You can also clean the windows and pull back all of the curtains if the buyers are going to be walking through your home during the day. Painting the walls a bright and neutral color is another simple way to improve indoor lighting.

If you don’t feel completely comfortable staging your own home, then you might want to consider working with a professional. An experienced staging specialist will be to transform your home in the blink of an eye, and many of those professionals charge very reasonable rates.

Things to Do Before Moving Into Your New Home

Congratulations! You are a homeowner now. Take a minute and revel at that moment before things start to get real, and there is work to be done. This article offers tips that will make your move manageable and bearable. So read on to find out more.

Finally, moved in. What next?

Purchasing a new home can be thrilling. But moving is never 100% stress-free. From acquiring the property to prepping for the big move, there is a never-ending to-do list. However, planning and prioritizing can make the move less hectic.

Inspecting, cleaning, and learning how your house functions are integral roles for any homeowner. And it is better to do it all before you move instead of postponing till after.

To help you get started, we’ve put together a list of things you need to do. Develop a plan on how to complete these things, and soon enough, you’ll be popping champagne in celebration of the new home.

Inspect the Home Thoroughly for Damage

Check the room for signs of damage

One of the first things to do before moving into your new home is a thorough inspection. Check every room for signs of damage, especially by water. Ensure that the plumbing is installed correctly, and there are no leaks. If there’s a leak, have it fixed and repair any damage caused before moving.

It’s also essential to have the house checked for insects and pests, and if it’s infested, have it fumigated. You can also get the best ultrasonic pest repeller to keep away pests in the future.

Child & Pet Proof

Check your windows so that your pet can’t run off and get lost

If you have children or pets, you must childproof the house before moving.

  • Cover up the outlets, especially those that are within your child’s reach.
  • Ensure that the windows have screens; otherwise, your pets will run out of the window and get lost in the new neighborhood.
  • Be on the lookout for anything that could pose a danger to children and pets, such as loose cords or screws, cleaning supplies, and other home essentials.

Locate the Main Water Valve and the Fuse Box

Locate your electric panel and ensure its functioning

Make sure you know where the electric panel and water valves are in case of an emergency or an issue that needs to be fixed. You must know the rooms each fuse controls in your new home and label them correctly.

Similarly, check if all water valves work. If it’s turned off, turn it on so that you can have water in the house. Also, make sure to have it replaced if damaged.

Secure Your New Home

Change your door locks before moving in

Not that you should be worried about the previous owner, but you never know how many copies of the keys were made and who has them. So, it’s advisable to change the locks before moving your expensive home choice furnishings.

In addition to the new locks, you can install the latest home security system for good measure. Also, get home insurance to cover your property against theft.

Home Improvement With Paint

Paint your house before you move. You will be glad you did

Some aspects of home improvement are best done without furniture getting in the way. Give yourself a few days to apply some handy painting tips before the movers deliver your furniture so that the paint can dry. If you’ve not settled on what to paint the different rooms in the house, just paint everything white, then you can customize it after you move.

Change Your Address

A new house comes with a new address. So you must change your address at the post office and tell your friends and family that you have moved to a new location so that they can send you a ‘home is where the heart is’ card. You must also inform your credit card company, bank, and other essential institutions of the change of address.

According to abroad relocation professional Ryan Banks, mishandled address registrations take one of the top five reasons people suffer when moving as one in 10 people will have to cope with unfortunate consequences.

Do a Deep Clean

Get your products ready for a deep clean

When moving into a new home, make it a habit to do a deep clean first. The person who lived there before you may not have cleaned the house up to your standards, or maybe the repair guys left some residue behind. This is why you must carry thorough home decluttering of the property. So, get your cleaning supplies or hire a cleaning company and make the home fresh and shiny.


Whether this is the first time you’re moving or the fifth, there are things that you can do to make moving stress-free. We’ve covered some useful tips on what to do. Use these tips, and you’ll be shocked at how easy the process will be.

Did you find this article helpful? Share your thoughts in the comment section.

Author’s Bio:

Archie was a builder for more than 40 years. Mainly after his retirement the enthusiastic electrical works in the garden and writes for a blog to keep himself occupied. His many years of experience can get you the right tool reviews whether it is a drill, welding machine or so. An impressive fact to note about him is that almost everything in his house is a representation of his skills made by his hands.

Things to keep in mind before you buy a house

Looking for the perfect home might sound exciting. But sometimes, when you venture out in the hope of finding a paradise, you are shown nothing more than pigeonholes. The path leading to your perfect home may feel like a treacherous one, but that’s far from true. All you must do is keep the important points in mind while you are looking for your next home.

Here are simple tips to keep in mind while hunting for a house so that you can avoid making an expensive mistake.

Know your budget

The process of looking for a new home starts by evaluating your bank accounts, assets, cash flow, and liabilities. The most common mistake people make is that they set their hearts on a house that is beyond their budget. Yes, you can get a home loan to cover the deficit, but luxurious homes come at luxury prices which can throw your budget out of the window.

Know your loan amount eligibility

You can easily check how much loan amount you are eligible for using online home loan calculator, but keep in mind that these are only an estimate and not the final word. To get a true amount, you should contact your bank before starting your search.

There could be a significant difference between what you think you’re eligible (pre-qualified) for and what you receive (pre-approved). It’s important to be sure you know the amount of loan you can get before you set your final budget.

What about the other costs?

People think that, once they have bought a house, they are done with the expenses, but that’s not true. As soon you purchase a home, you’ll have a monthly mortgage payment (assuming you took out a home loan), you’ll have to spend money on maintenance, utilities and more. You also might have to purchase new furniture as well. Also, don’t forget to include insurance costs in your budget. All US mortgage lenders require insurance on your property to protect against costly losses.

Be open to change

Finding the exact home you’ve been dreaming of is extremely difficult. For example, you may want a swimming pool, three balconies, and attached bathroom with every bedroom, but when you may only be able to find properties with two out of the three.

If you spend too much time or are too picky, you might miss a good deal on a house. So, it is best to keep an open mind and a keen awareness of your priorities.

Don’t get carried away

People often make the mistake of overspending money just to decorate their new home. You don’t have to spend extra money if your old furniture is in good condition. Instead plan to replace it with new over time, helping you save a lot of money in the short term.

See through the drama

Builders often offer cosmetic changes or upgrades to change the look of your house for extra money. These fixes can alter the look of your house, but it’s important to consider if these are these additions or alterations are worth it.

Many changes and upgrades can be added later by a handyman or contracting service, often at a much lower price than if purchased from the builder. If you’re trying to save money on a new construction home, this may be a good idea to consider for those “nice but not necessary” improvements like decks, patios, or even central air conditioning units.

Pick and choose

Yes, you should keep an open mind when home searching, but that doesn’t mean you have to make bad choices. If you have a big family, buying a big house with 3-4 bedrooms makes perfect sense. You don’t want to feel cramped in your house just because you wanted to save some money.

Make the list of things that you are not willing to compromise at any cost. This allows you to make the right decision.

Keep an eye out

Builders usually promise to finish work at lightning speed, but the truth is, they take ages to complete the project. If you have made the payment for the house, make sure your visit the property regularly and contact the builder for regular updates. If you sense something is wrong, contact the local authorities to ensure your investment is safe.

If you’re purchasing an already-constructed property, make sure you do a proper survey. For example, if you are looking to find homes for sale near Las Vegas, make sure you check every nook and cranny before making your final decision.

Find your own agent

Hire an agent of your own if you want to know all the secrets of the property. You will have to pay a fee to the agent, in return you will get guidance that will be true. Using Cashifyd to find an expert agent in your local area who offers cashback at closing, helping you to save even more on your next real estate purchase.

Five Options To Stop Foreclosure

We are living in very volatile times, and things are no different for those of us who are going through foreclosure. Mortgage delinquencies surged to 7.76 percent in May and things aren’t looking good for millions of “homeowners” across America who may soon learn who truly owns their home. While there are moratoriums in place to keep you from losing your home they won’t be around forever and the clock is ticking. Whether you’re planning to stay in the home or not, there are four great ways for you to stop foreclosure and save your credit, including selling to investors.  

Open Communication Is Crucial

Before we begin, it’s important to understand that open communication with your lender is the secret sauce that will improve your chances of stopping the foreclosure process.

If you haven’t already, pick up the phone and contact your lender right away if you’ve missed, or know you will miss, a mortgage payment. Their number can be found on the statements that you receive each month.

If you’ve received a notice of default, the number to the Loss Mitigation department will be prominently displayed on the notice. 

I know it’s embarrassing, but the one thing that your lender wants is to discuss how they can help resolve your situation.

The lender doesn’t want you to lose your home either. They prefer that you stay in your home because that guarantees that they’ll receive their interest payments each month! 

Loan Modification

Loan modifications are a great way to stop foreclosure if you’re planning to stay in your home. This is when the lender re-writes the loan, including delinquent payments and fees that have accumulated thus far, and restarts the amortization schedule.

While they are willing to increase the principal by rolling in those payments and fees, lenders will rarely ever approve a reduction in that principal of the loan.

There are a few criteria that most lenders look for when qualifying you for a loan modification. These criteria include:

  • The loan is on your primary residence
  • You’re going through financial hardship
  • You have enough steady income to make the modified mortgage payments

There’s a lot of paperwork involved in a loan modification since you’re essentially buying the house all over again with different terms, but it’s definitely worth the effort since it stops the foreclosure and saves your credit!

Personal Loans

If you had a temporary loss of income and your overall situation hasn’t changed much due to your hardship, personal loans can be a good way to bring your mortgage current and stop foreclosure. You will need to pay all of your late payments as well as any late fees that have accumulated. 

Before you make any payments to your lender, be sure to contact them and ask if any of the late fees can be waived as long as you bring your payments current that day. You’re providing them a fast solution to the problem and they may say yes!

Personal loans can come from many different sources including family, friends, investors, and institutional lenders. 

Before taking on any additional debt, be sure to analyze your budget and confirm that your income will support any additional payments that will be required. Budgeting is considered an inconvenience by many people, but it can be a powerful tool.

Actively budgeting your income and expenses will relieve a lot of stress by giving you an objective view of your financial position from week to week. 

A word of caution: Unless you’re dedicated to managing your money from this point forward borrowing more money can be a big risk. If you take on more debt and start missing payments again it can cause substantially more damage to your credit and make things much worse.

Before taking out any additional loans, discuss any loan modification opportunities you may have with your lender.

Tap Into Your Equity

As you make payments on your mortgage each month, you build equity which means that you have a financial interest in your home. 

For example, if your home’s value is $180,000 and your mortgage balance is $110,000 you have $70,000 of equity in the property. This means if you sold the property you would receive a payout of $70,000 (minus commissions and fees).

You can leverage this equity and stop the foreclosure by either refinancing your property or taking out a Home Equity Line of Credit.


If you decide to refinance your property, your lender will first confirm that you have enough equity to preform the refinance. Once this is confirmed, they’ll roll your mortgage balance and any late payments or fees that you owe into a new loan and start the amortization over from the beginning. 

Whether you’re able to refinance or not is largely dependent on the type of loan you have, but “Loans owned or guaranteed by government-sponsored entities Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac may qualify for a refinance under the Home Affordable Refinance Program, or HARP.” (

Aside from protecting your credit, another big benefit to refinancing to avoid foreclosure is that you may also be able to lock in a lower interest rate!

Home Equity Line of Credit

Home Equity Lines of Credit (HELOCs) are another way to leverage the equity in your home and stop foreclosure. 

HELOCs are simply a revolving credit line that adds another lien to your property, similar to your mortgage. That means if you were to sell the property, the mortgage and the HELOC would need to be paid off before you receive any money.

Since it’s a revolving credit line, you’re able to borrow money on demand, up to your credit limit, and use it for whatever you want! That means you can use it to bring your mortgage payments current and sleep well at night!

As stated in “Personal Loans”, be sure that your income will allow for the required payments for your HELOC. 

Short Sale

A Short Sale is a last-ditch effort that you can make with your bank to stop the foreclosure process and save your credit. Your credit will still take a hit, but its effects are a lot more subtle than a full-blown foreclosure.

By definition, “A short sale in real estate is when a financially distressed homeowner sells his or her property for less than the amount due on the mortgage.” (

This is not a short process. Between the paperwork, listing time, negotiations, and closing, you can expect a short sale to take upwards of 60 days or more. That’s only if your lender will agree to do one in the first place!

Short Sales work differently in different states. Here in North Carolina, most lenders require that the foreclosure property be listed with a real estate agent for a certain term that is decided on by them. 

If the property has not been sold after that term, the lender will begin to gradually lower the price until the property sells. 

When performing a short sale, lenders don’t just have a fire sale or auction for the property and get what they can. They methodically lower the price to make sure they recapture as much of their money as possible!

A major downside to a Short Sale is that some lenders may require you to pay for the difference between what they sold the property for and what you owe them! This is called a “deficiency balance.”

This means that if they sold the property for $130,000 and you owed $150,000, they could come after you for it and saddle you with another loan! That’s not ideal!

Discuss this with your lender before they initiate the short sale so you can make sure you’re not going to walk away with a deficiency balance! 

Your lender is also going to be looking for the right buyer for the property. Buyers who are purchasing the property for their primary residence are considered over everyone else. This means that you’ll likely need to wait for them to qualify for financing with another institution before the purchase is confirmed. 

Also, the property can still be foreclosed on while waiting for a short sale to complete, so be sure you have an experienced attorney working with you who can get the foreclosure postponed!

Selling It Fast

In some situations, it’s going to be better for you to sell your house fast and avoid the hassles and stress involved in your other options.

If you’re planning on leaving the home, local home buyers can stop foreclosure and buy the property in as little as 14 days. Homebuyers are investors who purchase properties, rehab them, rent them, or sell them immediately after purchase.

Since they’re not real estate agents and don’t typically work with traditional lending institutions, homebuyers can stop the foreclosure process by purchasing your property in two different ways.

Cash Purchase

A cash purchase is the simplest way to stop foreclosure. If you have enough equity in the property, the home buyer can simply pay off your existing loan and take ownership of the property.

Very few lenders will object to this and closing can be in as little as 14 days!

Purchasing Subject To The Existing Loan

Laws vary from state to state, but here in North Carolina, selling your foreclosure property subject to an existing mortgage to a savvy investor is a fast and easy way to stop foreclosure. 

The process behind a “Subject-To” sale is beyond the scope of this article, but suffice to say that what the home buyer will be doing is bringing your loan current, taking over the payments, and transferring the property into a trust that they control. 

There’s a bit more paperwork involved in this transaction, but it’s relatively simple and can stop the foreclosure process dead in its tracks!

Foreclosure doesn’t happen in a vacuum, which makes it very challenging emotionally. Everyone runs into trouble sometimes. While it may feel like the world is crashing down around you, taking action on any of these four options to avoid foreclosure will help you stay focused and stop the foreclosure before it ruins your credit!

Things That Make Your House a Home Without Spending a Dollar

A house is so much more than just a few walls and a roof over your head. Do you want to revive your humble abode and make it more homely? 

If the cost of interior design is putting you off, know that it’s possible without spending a single dollar. You can add a few personal touches and make some adjustments that don’t have a price tag. 

This article looks into ways to spruce up and enhance your living space with zero cost.

Make a Few Moves

Moving a few items around and rearranging some of your furniture is the easiest way to freshen up a room. Besides giving your living area a new look, it’s also a creative therapeutic process and productive use of your time.

Start with the room where you spend most of your time and pick one item or area as a focal point. Next, consider your lifestyle and the main function of the room. If it’s your bedroom, you should focus on the bed as the essence of your sleeping environment.

If your family loves watching TV together, arrange the lounge area so that everyone has a comfortable seat. Keep your kitchen area practical and functional, as this is often the heart of a home. 

If you can add a few seats to the kitchen, this will allow your loved ones to hang out with you while cooking. Hearty, homely meals will undoubtedly draw them all to the kitchen.

Fix the Faults

You don’t have to spend money to repair the basics. If your pictures or mirrors aren’t hanging straight, start by aligning them. Look at your curtains too. Are all the hooks in place, and does it hang well? 

The team at Best Online Cabinets also recommend that you check all your cupboard and cabinet doors. Pay attention to loose knobs, handles, and hinges to see if anything needs a little tightening.

Move through the rest of your house and check all your lights to see that the bulbs are all working.

Add a Personal Touch

Nothing can overpower your unique personal touch. Show off your treasures by adding family photos. 

Create a gallery wall of precious moments to add some character. It’s bound to be a talking point, plus you can always add to it as time goes by. Allow your kids and partner to choose what they’d like to add, so everyone has a choice and gets the chance to add their visual voice.

Get your favorite books out and display them on your coffee table. Or rearrange them on the bookshelf, so they’re easy to find.

You can also ask your kids to do a few new drawings and add those to your fridge collection. Why not ask them to draw your monthly calendar or a template to keep your shopping to-do list.

Give it a Good Scrub

Cleaning your entire house will not only add some sparkle. A clean home is beneficial to your health.

Spring cleaning is known to clear the dust and alleviate allergies. When you go all out and do a regular deep clean, it can lead to a stronger immune system.

Spotless and decluttered spaces are also associated with better moods and can bring relief from stress and anxiety. Your list of cleaning tasks should include carpets, curtains, and all your linen. Don’t forget to wipe down the walls and get up on a ladder to reach the light fittings and ceiling.

If you’re finding things you’ve not used for years, get rid of them. Apart from the enjoyment, you’ll get from donating your unused items to a worthy cause, you’ll be giving someone else an item they need.

Go for Greenery

Head out to your garden and bring some of the lush green goodness indoors. Fresh cut flowers and foliage from your grounds adds a beautiful touch. 

You can bring the colors of the season into your space and get creative with branches or other outdoor elements like rocks, stones, or seeds. If you don’t have a garden, you can always add a natural touch with a colorful fruit bowl or brightly colored veggies on display.

Key Takeouts

You don’t have to spend a single dollar to revive your home. Create a homely atmosphere by adding a few personal touches or making a few readjustments.

Fix the obvious eyesores, give it a good clean, and you’re set for a happy and healthy abode. 

7 Common Electrical Problems Found in Home Inspections

When buying a house, one of the steps is to have a home inspection performed so key issues are noticed and can be addressed. During home inspections, electrical problems are usually detected, and this is important because a house’s electrical system plays a major role in keeping it safe by preventing fire risks, arcing, and electrical shocks. After having a home inspection performed, it is essential to make the necessary electrical fixes that the inspector addressed because you want your family’s house to be as safe as possible.

1- Exposed Wiring

During home inspections, one of the most common electrical problems found is exposed wiring, and this is a crucial problem to have repaired because exposed wiring is a major fire risk. Because of the high risk involved, exposed wiring is one of the repairs that should always be repaired by a professional electrician instead of DIY. Exposed wiring is not a complicated repair, but it is essential that wiring is properly covered to prevent the risk of fires or arcing.

electrical problems

2- Buried Wires Not Protected

Having buried wires is acceptable, but when buried wires are installed without a covering or protection, it becomes an issue. A covering or protection is crucial because it safeguards the wiring against natural elements, debris, and rodents. When a buried wire is compromised, it poses a safety risk to the house and stops functioning at peak efficiency.

3- Receptacles Not Properly Grounded

Especially in older or historic homes, ungrounded receptacles are a common electrical problem found during home inspections. Ungrounded outlets are outlets with only two holes for the plug and no hole for the ground wire, and without the ground wire, there is a risk of fires or arcing because electricity can travel until it finds a suitable conductor source. Similar to exposed wiring, ungrounded receptacles are not a complicated repair, but they should be fixed relatively soon because of the safety risk they pose to the house.

4- Lack of Outlets

In many homes, homeowners will find a lack of outlets because many homes were built before homes experienced a surge in the number of electronic devices per household. People need to charge their phones and tablets but also plug in their televisions and lamps, and running extension cords from room to room isn’t the answer. Homes need to have enough outlets in each room so everyone can function without a fire risk.

5- Openings in Electrical Panels

For electrical panels, one of their common problems found during home inspections is openings in the panel. No gaps should be visible in the electrical panel because it would allow debris or rodents the ability to get inside which would create a shock or fire. Openings in the electrical panel can easily be fixed by installing filler plates to place over the openings so nothing can get inside.

6- Faulty GFCI Outlets

In rooms where moisture is present (kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, etc.), GFCI outlets must be installed and properly functioning. A GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) outlet is an outlet that has a protective covering to prevent electric shocks, and it correlates the inflow current on the hot side to the outflow current on the neutral side. During the home inspection, the inspector will test the GFCI outlets to ensure they are working properly and if any adjustments need to be made. In areas where there is the chance of water or moisture, having GFCI outlets is necessary because of the danger that could ensure if water seeps into an outlet while it is in use.

7- Overused Circuit Breakers

Another common electrical problem found during home inspections is overused circuit breakers. Circuit breakers are intended to only have one wire connected to one circuit breaker in the electrical panel, and when two or more wires are plugged into the circuit breaker, it poses an immense safety risk. When multiple wires are connected to the same circuit breaker, it allows connections to become looser which leads to an increase in arcing and fires. Overused circuit breakers are easy to spot, and this common electrical problem can be solved by simply upgrading the electrical panel to allow for an increase in the number of circuit breakers.

From exposed wiring to not having the proper number of outlets, many electrical problems can be found during a home inspection. The most important thing is to choose professional services for both the home inspection and electrical repairs. It might save you money to try and repair the problems yourself instead of using a professional electrical company, but in the end, it is better to have the problems repaired by a professional so you are ensured of their quality and safety. Because electrical standards and codes are changing with new improvements and procedures, it is common to find electrical issues during home inspections, and no matter what the electrical problem is, the most important part is to have it fixed promptly by a licensed electrical company.

3 Tips to Help Homebuyers With Disabilities Find Accessible New Homes

Finding your dream home is part of the American dream. When you are living with a disability, however, finding that perfect home can be slightly more challenging. In addition to finding a home with features you desire, you also need to find a home that includes features that you need for accessibility and safety. So if you are starting your search for the perfect accessible home soon, be sure to refer to these steps to make the process a little less complicated:

Research Cities & Neighborhoods Before Homes

If you are considering buying a new home, you should start by thinking about where you would like that new home to be located and how much you can allocate to purchasing it. Using online search tools like RealtyHive, you can research locations so that you can get a feel for which areas will fit your needs and which areas will offer enough available homes. You can also use search tools to zero in on the average home sale price and features for a particular area so that you can narrow down your new home search quickly.

As you use these tools to assess different cities and neighborhoods, also look for ways to assess the accessibility of potential locations. For example, you can use public transportation apps to research the availability of public transit in potential communities, as well as how accessible those public transportation options will be for you. If you are still deciding on a specific city, and you use a wheelchair, you can also think about moving to a city with more accessibility, which will make daily life easier as you settle into your home. But any area can be accessible if you know which home and community features to look for.

Look into Average Costs for Accessibility Modifications

Once you know which city you would like to live in, you can start searching for accessible homes. You can narrow down your options to homes that include accessibility features like single-story floor plans or obstacle-free entryways. Otherwise, you may need to consider remodeling your new home to accommodate your individual accessibility needs. Some of the most common renovation projects used to increase accessibility for homeowners who are living with a disability include replacing stairs with ramps, widening doorways for more wheelchair access, or installing walk-in tubs for added safety and convenience.

Of course, with these added features can also come added expense, so be sure to get estimates for any desired home improvements so you can factor these costs into your overall home budget (for example, installing a walk-in tub costs an average of $5,000 to $7,000). Depending on your budget, buying a fixer-upper could be a good way to make renovations more affordable, or you can also look into whether you are eligible for home modification grants and programs.

Connect With a Reliable Local Real Estate Professional

Doing your own homework and assessing your accessibility needs are both smart ways to get a jumpstart on your search for a new home. Not to mention, you can do all of this from the comfort of your own home if needed. When you are ready to really get the ball rolling on your new home search, however, you should discuss your options with an experienced realtor.

While it is possible to purchase a home without a realtor’s help, doing so can make your search much more complicated and stressful. Real estate agents tend to have access to more local listings than are available online, and they should have knowledge of accessible homes in your desired location. Your real estate professional can also make negotiating your home purchase less of a hassle, so you may not want to skip this crucial step.

Finding the accessible home of your dreams doesn’t have to be stressful. Just use the tips above and enlist the help of an experienced realtor. That way, you can save yourself some headaches and find your perfect home faster.

Photo Credit: Rawpixel

How To Choose the Best Appliances For Your Home

Home appliances are a large yet rewarding investment for any home. Whether you are moving, building a new house, or renovating, you have to be keen on the type of appliances you choose because there are so many options in the market.

The appliances you purchase while furnishing your home can determine your home’s appearance, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. With so many options available for you to choose from, you’ll need to do your research and determine which options work best for you. Once you purchase an appliance, don’t forget to look into home warranty companies to keep your appliances running well for years to come!

In this article, we’ll go over different ways you can choose the best appliances for your home based on preferences and money. Keep reading to learn more.

Know your space

You can’t buy appliances without knowing how much space you have. Every component of an appliance should be appropriate for the available space. A refrigerator takes a bigger space than most home appliances, and if you take the wrong measurement, you could mess up the entire functionality of the kitchen. Take the measurements of the width, length, and height of the place you will be installing a washing machine, oven, and microwave. Each appliance should be able to be moved in and out without disarranging the entire cabinet.

Tailor to your requirements

You’ll need to pick your appliances based on your personal needs. You shouldn’t be shopping for an appliance only based on what you like the best, but rather should be shopping on which appliance will cater to your needs the best. If you have a big family, you should choose a large refrigerator that can accommodate plenty of leftovers and groceries. Also, if you prefer to be energy-efficient, you may opt for an efficient appliance. You’ll also want to think long-term if you plan on ever moving, downsizing, or replacing your appliances.

Budget accordingly

Before researching appliances, budget appropriately. Go into your appliance shopping experience knowing what the maximum and minimum costs you want your appliance to be. This will help narrow down your options and pick the best quality appliance that fits into your budget. 

Shop around

You are free to compare the prices of the appliances in the market from other brands. Don’t settle on one price without checking what other competitors are offering. Many dealers try to offer the lowest price any other brand can offer. While it may take time to find prices and compare them all, it can end up saving you a lot of money in the long run. Also, don’t be afraid to compare different types of models as well. There’s a seemingly endless variety of features in modern appliances, so do your research and pick out what works best for you and your home.

Get help from an expert

A professional hand can make a huge difference, especially if you are buying home appliances for the first time. With all the different features and prices, making a decision can be overwhelming for many people. A person with experience in home appliances can help you narrow down your options. Look for someone who can help you understand each appliance’s key features and how one of them stands out from the rest. Even with detailed research, you can miss some key points that a seasoned expert can point out.

Finishes and style

After establishing your budget, it is now time to select the finishes and style of the appliances you want to match your kitchen decor. Stainless steel is trendy in today’s luxurious kitchens. It’s not only durable and long-lasting but also features a sleek surface that is easy to clean. Whatever finish you choose, make sure it matches the look you want your kitchen to achieve! Other options include built-in appliances or traditional white or black appliances.

In the end, remember to not rush the process of purchasing appliances. If you need to buy them as soon as possible, at least try to take the time to make a decision that isn’t too ambitious. By figuring out your needs, style preferences, budget, and using professional resources, you should have 

5 Things Real Estate Agents Don’t Want You to Know

Selling real estate is one of the most expensive financial decisions most people ever make. Due to the high monetary stakes, many people look for a real estate agent to guide them through the process, but before diving in and calling just any agent, there are some things you should be aware of. Here are 5 things real estate agents don’t want you to know. 

Agents don’t want you to know: The MLS has lost its power

One of the biggest advantages to selling a property with a real estate agent is their access to the Multiple Listing Service (MLS). Before the days of the internet, the local MLS was the only location where all for sale properties were posted and the information was only available to licensed real estate agents. While the MLS system is still used today, it has been largely democratized by large listing portals like Zillow or In fact, these portals tend to have direct relationships with MLS organizations meaning that the portals get property information almost as quickly as real estate agents can. If you list your property with a real estate agent, you can request that they add your property to these portals for you however if you choose to sell on your own, listing on these portals is free. 

Agents don’t want to you know: Many properties sell themselves

The real estate industry is HOT right now. Even with the financial and societal chaos caused by COVID-19, cities across the US are reporting a sellers market with a lot of competition among buyers. Many real estate agents are hardworking professionals who will do the necessary work to properly position your property for success. They take good photos, write compelling descriptions, and do additional marketing to get your property as many offers as possible, but in this market many properties will sell quickly without that professional touch. 

Agents don’t want you to know: Not every agent offers the same service

Agents don’t all offer the same service when listing a property. Some real estate agents offer professional photography and drone images as part of their basic service. Others offer staging or guidance on how to improve the curb appeal of a property. Yet others don’t offer any of these services or require additional payment or fees to cover these charges. When looking for a real estate agent to sell your property, make sure you ask exactly what services they will provide. 

Agents don’t want you to know: Beware of dual agency

No matter if you’re buying or selling real estate, you want to work with someone who has your best interests in mind. As a buyer it may seem obvious to call the phone number on the real estate listing or sign, but that’s not always the best idea. Listing agents have what’s called fiduciary duty to the sellers meaning that even if an agent is working with both the buyer and the seller in a real estate sale, all choices they make must be for the best interest of the seller. As a seller, this might seem like a good thing. You have the “in” with the agent on the other side of a deal, but this can also work against sellers. While an ethical agent wouldn’t do this, there are cases where an agent encourages a seller to accept an offer from that agent’s buyer client — even if it might not be the highest or best offer. 

Agents don’t want you to know: You can negotiate rates

Using an agent to purchase real estate costs nothing, but sellers can expect to pay an average of 6% of the sale price of the home in commission to their real estate agent. When a property is sold, a commission is paid to the listing agent (the agent who represents the property). The listing agent then pays the agent who represented the buyer as a “thank you” of sorts for bringing a buyer to the property. As a seller, you are able to negotiate the percentage of your sale price that you are willing to pay. 

Looking for an easier way to get a discount when selling real estate? While some agents and real estate brokerages offer discounted rates for discounted service, RealtyHive has created a program that negotiates with agents on your behalf to get you a discounted rate with full service. This program is available for any property almost anywhere in the US and helps sellers save thousands of dollars in real estate commissions with absolutely no cost to them. Interested in buying? Contact RealtyHive to connect with an agent who will save you money when buying your next property!

DIY Backyard Fun

During this time of restricted social interaction the more fun we’re able to have at home the better. The goal of this article is to show you some easy and cheap ways to have fun right in your own backyard. Depending on how many of these DIY projects you choose to take on, your backyard may end up resembling more of a small carnival rather than a backyard. Personally, that seems like something worth bragging rights to me, but if you don’t hope to reach small carnival status then maybe just one or two on a sunny day will do. 

Giant Jenga

Jenga is pretty popular so I won’t bore you with an explanation of the game. I will simply tell you one way to improve the game, and that is to make it giant. This oversized outdoor game is cheap, easy to recreate, and tons of fun! So if you’re ready to kick some butt at Jenga below!

Instructions here!

Slingshot/ Angry Birds IRL

I’m sure we’ve all heard of the game Angry Birds, but if you haven’t let me summarize. It’s an iPhone game where you aim and shoot little colorful birds at piled up boxes with mean looking pigs sitting on them. If you’ve never heard of the game you probably think I’ve completely lost it, but I promise it’s a thing. So much so that a smart parent created a real life version of the game. This is the perfect outdoor game to get the kids off their phone and out in the sun!

Instructions here!

Jungle Gym Bars

This was my personal favorite activity as kids so i can assure you the kids will love it. When I was young I spent all my time doing flips forwards and backwards on the bars.  I swear I thought I was Simone Biles or something. This DIY project isn’t just affordable it’s also an excellent way to keep the kids active. As a former child, I highly recommend it.

Instructions here!

Backyard Big Screen

A pandemic is probably not best time to sit in a room filled by strangers. That being said, it is probably best to move the movies to the backyard. This genius DIY outdoor theatre project is a perfect activity for the family during this time of  quarantine. 

Instructions here!


Kerplunk is a classic, but there’s a chance you haven’t heard of it so I’ll explain just to make sure we’re all on the same page. Each player upon their turn removes a stick from the tube, if any balls fall they go to that players total. When all the balls have fallen, the person with the smallest number (least amount of balls fallen) wins. This is a very easy game to recreate and it’s lots of fun with the family or with friends!

Instructions here!

Slip-n-slide Kickball

I’m confident we’ve all played kickball, but this isn’t just kickball, this is slip-n-slide kickball which is obviously superior. Same rules apply, but instead of running across a base you get to slide into a kiddie pool. Hot summer day? This would be the perfect activity for the family or the neighborhood kids to enjoy! Don’t believe me? Try it out!

Instructions here!

Squares game

The squares game isn’t as popular as other games in this article so I will briefly explain. Players take turns making a line from one dot to another(not diagonally). If when you put down the line that creates a complete square you get a point. Players continue to play until no further squares can be made, and at that point the person with the most points wins! This is a fun and easily storable game that you can play with kids or friends!

Instructions here!

Outdoor Chalkboard

Kids love to draw… half the time we can’t tell what it is they’re drawing but as long as they’re entertained it doesn’t really matter does it? Plus this is an easy way to get the kids their daily Vitamin D and it keeps them from getting any mess inside, so a win-win situation if you ask me. This easy DIY project would make a great addition to the “fun backyard”

Instructions here!

Lawn Twister

Twister is the epitome of fun children games. I played Twister all the time as a kid, and I personally sucked, lost just about every game. Regardless, I loved the game and I’m confident your kids will too!  I should also mention this is one of the easiest DIY projects in this article, so even if it’s just for a day or an event, I think it’s worth it. I wish you much more success in the game than I had!

Instructions here!

DIY Dunk Tank

Have you ever seen a dunk tank on a TV show and had major dunk tank envy? I first saw a dunk tank on an episode of George Lopez and I remember having a strong desire to experience a dunk tank. Both to be the dunkee and the dunker. In fact, at the time I had a short list of people I’d like to dunk. If you can relate, get your list out, send an invitation because our dunk tank dreams are now a reality.

Instructions here!

Velcro Darts

Just 3 pieces of fabric and a hot glue gun and you’re good to go! This DIY project is such an easy way to bring a fun atmosphere to your backyard. This game is easy for everyone and anyone to play even the kids (since we’ve taken out the sharp/pointy darts)!

Instructions here!

Football Throw

I’m from Green Bay, Wisconsin, so football is kinda a big deal here. That being said I felt a need to add this into the article, because maybe it will help breed the next Aaron Rodgers. This isn’t the easiest DIY project but it can be done in various levels of complexity. It can be as easy as cutting holes in a sheet to a nicely decorated board such as this one above. Whichever level you choose, this activity can either be target practice or just a fun pass time.

Instructions here!

Rainbow fire crystals

This one isn’t necessarily a DIY project, it’s more of a fun product. I want to type “Your little kids will love the fun colored flames!”, but in all honesty… I’d love it too. When I first saw a color flamed fire I was overly mesmerized and excited. So with that said, I can personally recommend this product to you. It will add a little character and color to your backyard!

Product available here!

These are the perfect activities to stay entertained while social distancing and spending time with family or friends. Quite honestly, that quality time with the family is probably worth the prices to make these affordable DIY projects. If you do find yourself attempting one of these projects, we’d love to hear about your results! Feel free to leave a comment below about how it went for you and any helpful tip for future readers!

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