RealtyHive vs. Concierge Auctions
Whether buying or selling your home, you want to get the best possible deal. A real estate auction is an amazing and innovative way to do that. But between Concierge Auctions and RealtyHive, which is the better real estate auction company?
It might seem counterintuitive to write about our competition but ultimately, we want every buyer or seller to feel confident in the company they choose. Read on as we weigh out your home auction options.
RealQuick: What are real estate auction companies?

You might have an idea just from perusing our site, but we’re happy to break things down for any first-time guests (welcome, by the way!). A real estate auction company works with sellers, buyers, and real estate agents to help a home sell at a live auction (sometimes called a time-limited event).
Feel free to look through our buying and selling pages to find even more benefits, but at the very least, hopefully you better understand what a real estate auction company does.
How RealtyHive and Concierge Auctions Are Similar

Purchasing Time Frame
For both real estate auction companies, buyers can purchase a property at or before the event.
International Exposure
International properties are available for purchase (and can be sold) through RealtyHive and Concierge Auctions.
Reputation and Success
RealtyHive and Concierge Auctions both have pretty solid reputations and proven industry success.
How RealtyHive and Concierge Auctions Are Different

High Fees
Concierge Auctions has a successful track record just like RealtyHive, but it comes at a price. They charge much higher fees than our real estate auction company — 12% or a minimum of $175,000. This might give you a clue into our next point…
High-End, Luxury Properties
We at RealtyHive are all for high-end properties (like this condo in the Bahamas), but we also offer plenty of more modest homes. Concierge Auctions solely accepts super luxurious properties. At RealtyHive, you don’t have to be a multimillionaire in order to find (or sell) a home.
Real Estate Agents
Concierge Auctions do not deal with FSBO sellers — you must work with a real estate agent with them. At RealtyHive, you don’t need an agent if you don’t want one. But if you want one, that’s great too! We’ll draw on our amazing network of agents to find you the perfect person.
We’re proud of the qualities we share with Concierge Auctions, but we’re perhaps even more proud of what sets us apart. Whether you’re looking for your dream home or feeling ready to sell your current one, set yourself up for real estate success with RealtyHive!