Interior Lighting Design Tips to Increase Home Value
Our real estate team recently had a lightbulb moment about a very important aspect to interior design. We’ve featured this topic in blogs about staging or renovation, but it’s time to shed some light on one of the most important parts of your home.
In case you haven’t guessed yet, we’re talking interior lighting design. Not only does the right lighting improve your quality of life, it also adds value to your home. Find out the importance of light and how you can make some lighting-specific home improvements — we promise you they’ll make a difference.
The Importance of Light

Have you ever worked in a space with fluorescent overhead lights and gotten a headache? How about after staring at a screen for too long? What’s your mood after staying in a dark room for too long?
Light affects everything from our mood to our physical well-being. It’s often the reason (even if subconsciously) why people jump to sell or rent out your property versus why they pass it by. Far too often, we overlook lighting and take it for granted as a convenience instead of a necessity.
The truth is that lighting is like food. Highly processed food and overexposure to bright lights can both make us feel a bit wonky. Natural light and healthy ingredients have the opposite effect. Trying out a new recipe is usually as exciting as installing a new, modern light fixture. With both lighting and food, we feel our best when we’re intentional with how we use it.
Interior Lighting Design Tips
The lighting changes you can make could be part of a bigger remodel project, or could cost under $30. You can pick and choose which lighting changes will add the most value to your home. It’s like we said: as long as you’re intentional, you will see the benefits from updating your lighting design!
Update your fixtures.
Budget: $$-$$$

While there are definitely some pricey options out there, you can find some beautiful, modern full-room light fixtures for less than $300 — some as low as $50. Hiring a professional to install them will add some costs, but adding a new bathroom or kitchen light fixture isn’t as costly as you might think. Plus, it definitely adds some value.
When people walk into a room and see a cool light fixture, that’s usually one of the first things they comment on. You’ll love the modern look, and it will also help you when you’re ready to sell your home. Potential buyers will immediately notice updated fixtures, which piques their interest in the property as a whole.
Bring in some natural light.

Budget: $-$$$
Natural light doesn’t just look amazing and add massive value to a home, it also saves you money. The less you leave the lights on, your energy bill (and wallet) will thank you. Natural light provides more scenery and vistas and less reliance on the artificial.
Not to mention, we live in a selfie culture. This writer knows a friend in Minneapolis who specifically chose to rent out a place because of its natural light, despite having to pay more. Many millennials and Gen Zers want to show off their home and their life. Adding more natural light is a huge benefit to your home’s overall value (and can attract a wider renting or buying demographic).
But how do you add light? Here are a couple ways that range from cheap fixes to remodel overhauls:
- Hang mirrors
- Paint walls a lighter tone, in cool or neutral hues
- Install larger windows
- Put in a sliding glass door
- Install window treatments that allow for light to pass through while maintaining privacy
One thing to keep in mind: it’s also nice to block out natural light when you want (especially if you’re like this writer whose bedroom has east-facing windows). Look into some blackout curtains to make daytime Netflix binges or naps as enjoyable as possible.
Switch out lightbulbs.
Budget: $
Your lightbulbs might be clashing with the room they’re in and you don’t even know it. But when it comes time to sell, you can bet that at least one potential buyer will feel like things are off.
WIthout having to massively overhaul your space, simply look at the tones in a specific room — are they warm or cool? Whatever the answer, update your bulbs to LED ones that match accordingly. Soft white or warm white are good in warm spaces (such as the living room or bedroom), regular LED bulbs for cool areas (such as the bathroom).
Consider dimmers or colorful lighting.

Budget: $-$$
Both these ideas are a bit more fun, but might add a ton of dimension to your home. Dimmer switches range from $50 to $200 but add a massive convenience to any space they’re in.
Colorful lighting is a growing trend and, when done right, can be a perfectly subtle way to impact the mood of a room. In fact, some people say that certain light colors can impact not just the mood of a room, but the mood of a person. Cool colors are said to increase productivity; warm colors provide a sense of calm. Who knows — maybe a simple lightbulb switch in your home office could drastically change your at-home job performance!
All of these interior lighting design tips can make an incredible difference in your home. But if your home is currently something resembling a cave or a 17th-century dungeon, maybe it’s time to look for something a little… lighter. Check out our RealtyHive listings to find some gorgeous homes for sale (with amazing lighting interior design to boot)!