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Dive In! 5 Benefits of Owning a Pool

Owning a pool comes with a lot of maintenance, but also a lot of perks. Pools are a great way to stay cool in the summer, and to turn any backyard barbecue into a social event! Here are some of the top benefits of owning your own pool!

Swimming is great exercise

Whether you’re the next Katie Ledecky– or if you can barely do a doggy paddle, swimming is excellent exercise. It’s a lower impact exercise than running or biking, which is easier on your joints. All this while still providing an excellent aerobic workout.

You can control how clean it is

While a backyard pool can come with a lot of maintenance, a well-kept personal pool tends to be cleaner than a public pool for a couple reasons. One being less traffic and the other being more conscientiousness by swimmers. According to the CDC, 58 percent of public pools tested positive for fecal bacteria in a study released in May 2013.

Control over how it’s cleaned


If you’re worried about chemical reactions or sensitivities, swimming in a public pool can be a risky endeavor. There is an art (well, mostly science) to cleaning pools. Those who are worried about too-strong  chemicals are able to test a home pool in ways that are not possible at a public facility. Private pool owners are also able to use different chemicals, ones that may be cost prohibitive in a public pool, if this is a concern.

Spend time with friends and family

Pools are well known for attracting friends and families which creates a multitude of opportunity for social connections. A 2010 Harvard report stated that social connections not only give us pleasure, they also influence our long-term health. It helps us in ways every bit as powerful as adequate sleep, a good diet, and not smoking.

Resale value

While there can be quite the upfront cost to getting a pool, it drastically increases your homes resale value. Depending on where you live, pools can vary from a nice, yet novel amenity to a non-negotiable must-have. In either event, pools can help with the resale value of your home and shortening the list-to-close time, all while being an enjoyable feature while you’re living in your home.

Interested in owning a home with a pool? Check out these great options available now!