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Fall Home Maintenance Checklist

Performing fall maintenance around your home can do everything from saving money on energy bills to keeping you comfortable in the colder months. Whether your winters are in sunny Scottsdale or wickedly cold Wisconsin, there are a number of things homeowners need to do each fall to prepare for winter. 

Check your heating and fireplace.

Fall is a great time to change out your furnace filters, check your thermostat batteries, and schedule an HVAC check. Have a professional look at your home’s heating once a year — preferably well before you need to start using it — to ensure everything’s in order. Also, insulate your ductwork to help your HVAC systems run more efficiently.

Additionally, your fall home maintenance shouldn‘t skip over the fireplace and chimney. Have your chimney swept and looked at by a professional once a year. Clean the blower (if there is one), make sure the damper is working, and check the pilot on a gas fireplace. 

Close-up outdoor spaces.

Unless you’re living in one of those warm winter places that the rest of us envy, your outdoor spaces should be cleaned up and put away. Put covers on the grill, bring in patio furniture, and close up your pool by blowing water out of the pump to prevent damage from freezing temps.

While winterizing your home on the outside, it’s a good idea to clean your gutters. Winter snow and ice can lead to blockage in your gutters when there’s excess debris.

Consider making some upgrades.

Buying a new furnace is enough to make any homeowner cringe. However, there are a couple of moderate home improvements and upgrades that could lower your costs:

Energy-Efficient Upgrades for Your Home

  1. Get a programmable thermostat.

    EnergyStar estimates you can save up to $180 a year, just from updating your thermostat.

  2. Switch to double pane windows.

    Double pane windows pay for themselves after a few years, helping you save thousands in the long run.

  3. Update appliances to be energy efficient

    It might seem like we’re doubling back, but energy efficient appliances make a huge difference, for your home, your wallet, and the environment. Plus, you can get a 10% tax credit for making the switch.

Stock up on winter inventory.

Even the southern states can get ice storms! Especially if you’re a first-time homeowner, ensure you’ve got a good shovel, a bag of salt, work gloves, snow boots, and anything else needed to deal with storms, both errant and expected.

Check for drafts.

No home is perfectly sealed. When cold air leaks in and warm air leaks out, your heating has to work a lot harder — and you have to pay more on your energy bill. Insulate

Fall home maintenance is a lot to deal with, even for the most experienced of homeowners. Feel like there’s too much maintenance needed on your home? Sell through a time-limited event with RealtyHive! From selling homes quick and easy to helping you find your dream home, RealtyHive does it all.